Why to Join a Coaching Institution for CA?

There are two ways by which you can clear the CA Examination and qualify yourself as a Chartered Accountant 1. Self-Study 2. Studying in a good CA Coaching institute Self-study has the advantage that it builds self-confidence but one has to spend much time in finding out important points, different types of problems not covered

Opportunities for CA

After the completion of Chartered Accountancy Course, Basically the Chartered Accountant can explore four types of opportunities Practice CA individually or in partnership with CAs Employment in a CA firm or Corporate concerns Entrepreneurship Teaching The listing below is an indication of the opportunities prevalent in various areas for a chartered Accountant in practice I.

Why CA after +2 ?

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CA course is one of the toughest exams in India. Clear understanding of the basic concepts right in Foundation will immensely help to clear the further stages of CA Examination viz Intermediate and Final examination easily. By joining CA Foundation after +2, a student can save 3 years of time just to get an Academic
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